LiDAR Solutions for Local Government

September 13, 2022
5 min read

The use of laser scanning (LiDAR) in conjunction with high-resolution imagery provides extremely detailed and accurate method of capturing enormous quantities of data at a comparatively low price.

A LiDAR point cloud dataset typically comprises of billions of points, the dataset can be used for a wide range of functions, including road safety and assessment, asset management, and vegetation and environmental analysis and management.

Founded in 2014, Anditi generates solutions for LGAs by classifying, analysing, visualising and transforming geospatial data, including aerial, mobile, and terrestrial LiDAR, and 360-degree aerial and satellite imagery into a broad range of high value products that help LGAs to manage, maintain and experience the natural and built environment. Our powerful 3D data web portal enables LGA staff and its residents to easily access and view spatial data in a flexible and user-friendly way.

In addition to standard LiDAR products such as contours, Digital Elevation Models and Digital Surface Models, we specialise in utilising the latest analytical techniques such as machine learning and AI to create value-added products and datasets in areas such as built environment, terrain and vegetation, carbon sequestration, drainage and overland flow, asset management, road assets and road safety.


With the National Road Safety Strategy 2021 – 2030 outlining the responsibility for all levels of government to improve road safety across Australia, the need for LGAs to understand their road network is greater than ever. Anditi has worked closely with International Road Assessment Program (iRAP) in developing automated and accelerated techniques for road safety and asset assessment.

To help solve these challenges, Anditi has launched RoadViewer, the world’s first iRAP/AusRAP accredited road Inspection System based on 3D LiDAR and 360-degree imagery. RoadViewer is part of our technology and offers an innovative and cost-effective way of surveying, managing and measuring roads, assessing road safety and determining bridge clearances.

With access to millions of kilometres of road data through our data capture partners, RoadViewer offers huge savings in time and resources by reducing the need to send teams to manually survey roads. This also reduces the risks of accidents to staff, and/or the need for road closures.

RoadViewer has a range of visualisation and measurement tools that enable users to identify, code and inspect a broad range of road asset and safety attributes such as lane and shoulder widths, slopes, location of trees, safety barriers, power poles, as well as calculating key road geometry such as gradient and curvature quickly and accurately.

LiDAR Solutions for Roads

  • iRAP Star Rating
  • Road Asset Feature Extraction
  • Bridge Clearance
  • Swept Path Analysis


To make the best use of LiDAR point clouds, it is important to accurately classify each point so that it is correctly attributed to the feature it is derived from, such as a building or tree, footpath or kerb. We are experts in automated and semi-automated techniques for point cloud classification, whether completing classification of LiDAR from scratch or upgrading a classified point cloud to a higher standard of accuracy using the industry standard ICSM levels (

Our proprietary LiDAR analytics Engine and automated algorithms search for and classify a wide range of features such as cars, powerlines, ground, vegetation/trees, houses, fences, road assets and more.

In addition to our automated processes, we have a core team of LiDAR classification experts who utilise sophisticated workflows and QA outputs to ensure Anditi can rapidly produce datasets classified to ICSM Level 3/4 with the utmost attention to accuracy, with all work completed entirely within Australia.

Classification LiDAR Solutions
  • ICSM Level 1
  • ICSM Level 2
  • ICSM Level 3
  • Specialist


Accurate ground classification is an essential starting point when using aerial LiDAR datasets as it forms the basis for many different products, including:

• Digital Terrain/Elevation Models (DTM/DEM) in raster and vector formats

• Contours at very fine intervals

• Ground-finder with a range of parameters to suit various terrains

• Shifting-ground algorithms to identify and classify changes in ground surface between scans – for example in mining areas, stockpiles and excavations for construction.

• Identification of retaining walls

In addition to providing these standard ground products which include very detailed information about the ground shape and form, our analysis detects features such as bridges, culverts and other water barriers. Anditi can also provide specialist hydro-enforced and hydro-flattened ground models.

A hydro-enforced model is one with artificial water barriers such as bridges and culverts removed to provide a ground surface model adjusted to allow water to flow correctly for flood and water flow modelling. In addition, hydro-flattening of water surfaces removes artificial water barriers and creates a clean ground model.

Comparing aerial LiDAR scans from different epochs allows a variety of changes to be detected. These changes can be in the landform such as cut and fill, illegal excavation or earthworks, illegal dumping or earth slumping and rock falls. The volume of material required for rehabilitation of disused quarries can also be calculated from this data. This ensures that each new LiDAR capture provides insights into changes in your LGA over time.

LiDAR Solutions for Ground Classification
  • Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
  • Digital Surface Model (DSM)
  • Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
  • DEM With Bridges & Culverts Remove
  • Full Hydro-Enforced DEM
  • Ground Contours
  • Change Detection


As local governments face the challenges of the reduction of urban forests and vegetation canopy causing heat-island effects and loss of habitat for species, the ability to measure vegetation extent, volume and change quickly and easily is critical.

Anditi provides a range of vegetation and environmental solutions which cover the entire LGA and produce easily integrated GIS datasets that can be analysed against other data such as tree canopy coverage and height, future re-zoning, future property development and new parks and street plantings.

Mapping a forest or tree with Anditi’s detailed Canopy Height Models or Stratification provides a base model for comparison and analysis in the future and can be used to:

• indicate growth in height or canopy spread

• indicate when a particular species is reaching its maximum growth

• indicate health issues such as overshadowing, nutrient deficiency or water deficiency

• keep detailed and accurate information over time on LGAtree assets

• measuring tree canopy gain and loss and tree fall/tree removal

Understanding carbon sources and sinks is critical for any LGA wanting to move to a net zero or low carbon footprint model. Trees with their longevity are a major terrestrial carbon sink, whereas other shorter-lived vegetation is a very temporary store. Our carbon storage model uses a range of tree and tree canopy information to provide accurate reporting of current carbon storage.

LiDAR Solutions for vegetation:
  • Canopy Height Model
  • Vegetation Boundaries / Tree Circumferences
  • Vegetation Stratification
  • Plant Health/Metrics
  • Vegetation High Points Individual
  • Vegetation High Points Forest
  • Tree Circumferences Individual
  • Tree Circumferences Forest
  • Change Detection
  • Carbon Sequestration


Understanding where water flows in a heavy rain event when much of the water will flow overland and pool in unexpected areas, is a key factor to planning for future drainage and land development, as well as informing emergency services in advance of or during an event where issues are likely to occur. Preserving our river and stream network is important to managing our environmental impact as well as ensuring that nearby infrastructure is protected. Exposed, eroded river and stream banks in poor condition increase flood risk and risk of loss of land for farming or around infrastructure, necessitating regular monitoring of the rivers, streams and surrounds.

Using LiDAR for mapping in vegetated areas such as riverbanks and urban backyards ensures that every terrain and landform detail is mapped. With its ability to “see” through vegetation, LiDAR is the only suitable remote sensing technology for mapping terrain features accurately in vegetated or urban and city environments.

Based on our high-quality hydro-enforced DEMs we can create an overland waterflow model as a GIS vector layer such as a shapefile. Attributes can be attached to each flow path/stream, such as a flow hierarchy which ranks flow paths based on the contributing catchment area, number of tributaries attached, or flow accumulation.

LiDAR Solutions for waterflow management:
  • Overland Flow and Drainage Lines
  • Stream Classification and Flow Accumulation Models
  • Hydro-Enforced DEMS


By implementing our patented algorithms to identify LGA assets from LiDAR data, we can assist you in saving time and money. Where traditionally LGAs would need to send teams into the field to hunt for their assets, Anditi can help to accurately locate and classify your assets remotely, freeing up resources and investment for other activities.

LiDAR Asset Solutions:
  • Drainage Pits
  • Constructed Drainage Channels
  • Retaining Walls
  • Power-Kiosk Substations
  • Bridges and Culverts
  • Road Width, Road Shoulder Width, Kerb and Guttering
  • Street Trees
  • Street Lights and Power Poles

To understand how you can use LiDAR data to save time and money whilst enhancing the quality of services available,

contact Anditi on solutions@anditi.comor 1300 326 170.



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